Reviewing Quality Hair wigs — QualityHair.com wig
Hey everyone! It is your favorite reviewer again, back with another detailed review to save you from all the hassle. I hope my previous review had helped you know all about the wigs and extensions’ quality and saved you from experiencing the hassle. Other than that, how are you all holding up in this lockdown? It can get pretty tiring, right? It feels like this lockdown and the pandemic will never end, and we will have to spend our lives in such conditions. But have faith, this will go away soon, and we will be able to resume our lives to how they used to be. We will be able to do things that we miss now and get the best out of all of the services provided. Don’t worry; I’m sending good vibes and wishes towards you; it will be okay soon.
I mentioned in my previous review how the pandemic had affected many businesses, including salons and barbershops. I had to shut down my business, and the pandemic affected my work on a worrying level. All the salons and barbershops had to be closed temporarily, some even permanently, during these stressful weeks of 2020 and 2021. This is where I had to improvise and find a new way to spend my time doing something of fair use. The lockdown gave me enough time to think and start focusing on reviewing the different hair products I use on Medium.com. I used all this time at home to write and share more content on this blog to know what you are ordering and if the money you are spending is worth it. I am still trying my best to give you all the best hair extensions to save your time and money.
I have been reviewing a few known products for a while now, and now I plan on trying something new. I will be reviewing new brands and their latest products and will tell you all about my experience with them. In the coming few months, I will try to switch my reviews to wig instead of extensions. I feel like I have tried enough hair extensions from various brands, which is why I will now be reviewing hairpieces and wigs. I will buy and try on a variety of wigs or hairpieces from different brands to tell you all how to wear them, if they are worth the money or if you will make the right decision by choosing them. If you guys have any other requests or ideas for my blog content, don’t forget to comment below my posts. I will do my best to fulfill all of your requests and give you the content you want. In today’s blog, I will be reviewing my first wig and my experience with the brand, the prices, the quality, and much more. Keep on reading to know all about it!
My Experience:
I have to say, I am not a wig expert, and I have no professional knowledge about them. What I do have is the experience that helped me understand a lot about what wigs should be like, how to install them and what quality is good enough to be considered buying worthy. The experience with wigs has taught me a lot of things related to wigs.
A few years ago, one of my dear friends started to suffer from extreme hair loss. Her hair started to shed, bit by bit; all of this happened due to a medical condition.
The visible hair loss had disheartened her a lot, but she decided to go with hair extensions. The small amount of hair loss in the starting was covered up by hair extensions. But later on, as the medical condition worsened, she started to lose more hair, which became obvious. She could not improvise with hair extensions anymore. Her already weak hair could not bear the weight of hair extensions any further. If you suffer from extreme hair loss, it is recommended that you don’t put any hair extensions on as they pull on your fragile hair and cause more hair loss. After many sad days, some motivation, and some continuous research, we finally decided to opt for a wig. Her evident hair loss required her to put on something with better coverage and near to no damage. We scrolled away the internet and decided to get her a custom wig made. We thought a wig was a safer and better-looking option for her to cover up the damage without a hassle.
I remember visiting a wig maker with my friend to get her a custom wig, just according to her requirements and needs. We went to the most-trusted wig maker in the city and discussed all her needs with the wig maker. My friend ordered a custom-made wig for herself, gave the man her measurements, likes, and dislikes. Back then, we did not have much information about custom wigs or wigs in general. Not only that, but online purchasing was not as trendy back in those days, so we opted for a physical store to get her custom wig ordered. I clearly remember how the custom wig took over a month to get ready and cost her a lot more than we initially imagined. The wig maker told us that the final price for the custom wig was $2000. We were very shocked about the high price, but the fact that the wig made her happy and confident made us ignore it all. My friend was not used to the sudden and extreme hair loss and was having a tough time adjusting to it, so we wasted no time getting the pricy custom wig.
I am telling you all this story because I want you to know the importance of research when buying a specific product. If you are not familiar with the product or have no information about it, I advise you to surf the internet and get all the information you can, so you know you are getting the right product. Read reviews or watch videos of the specific product that describe or show what the product is and how you can use it. All in all, my friend’s wig was terrific, and she told me that it was perfect for her. It fit her head like a glove and satisfied her to the fullest. She liked the hair quality, length, and style; she was overall happy with what she got and kept that wig for at least 2 years. But until this very day, I feel like she was charged a hefty amount for that wig. It was unfair to pay such a large amount of money for a custom wig.
Different Uses of Wigs:
Wigs are used not only by people who suffer from extreme hair loss; they can also be used for various purposes and reasons. Some use it for cosmetic purposes by switching up different wigs to create different looks. People use it to make their hair appear longer and thicker than usual. Not only that, most people use different colored wigs for cosplay and to create an endless list of looks. You don’t even have to cut or color your hair to create new looks, you can just put on a wig of your choice, and you are good to go. Wearing different wigs is an easy way to have fun and try out new ideas without being committed to a permanent change. If you want something temporary, then wigs are the ideal option for you.
Synthetic Hair Wigs vs. Human Hair Wigs:
Most people get confused between the various types of wigs. This is why there is a brief comparison between the types of wigs. Just like hair extensions, there is a variety of wigs that you can choose from. You can get wigs made from synthetic hair and human hair, depending on the quality you look for and needs. Synthetic hair wigs are comparatively cheaper than human hair wigs since they are made out of fake hair. The human hair wigs are made out of authentic, real human hair, hence the high prices. When it comes to using heat on these two types of wigs, synthetic wigs are rarely heat friendly. The texture of the synthetic hair wigs gets rough and burnt after you straighten them; they lose strength and thickness over time. Some synthetic hair wigs are heat friendly, but only for a short period; they too lose their shine and quality over time. As for human hair wigs, they deal with heat reasonably efficiently and can be styled with heat and styling tools without a hassle. In my opinion, human hair wigs are always better than synthetic hair wigs, as they look and feel more natural, and they last longer too.
Overall Review:
Now, on to the wig review that you all are here for. As I have mentioned before, I decided to choose wigs for the review instead of extensions like I always do. I will be talking about my experience with the wig that I recently ordered. After a bit of research, I decided to get my hands on the human hair wig from the well-known hair extensions and wig brand, QualityHair. The human hair wig that I will be reviewing today is called Isabella. I ordered this wig from the website CanadaHair.ca where I found the products by QualityHair. I had to go through various options, but then I finally found the best option: Isabella. But before I start the review on this human hair wig Isabella by QualityHair, I want to mention that this is not a sponsored review in any shape or form. The company did not send me the product or the money to buy this product online and post a review. I bought this human hair wig with my own money, and I will discuss my experience with it. Everything I state here will be my personal opinion and the events that I went through. I will be talking about my experience on the website, the prices, the delivery, the box contents, the quality, wearing experience, and an overall look over the product. Keep on reading to know all about my experience with Isabella’s human hair wig by QualityHair.
Canada Hair
First, I would like to talk a bit about the brand CanadaHair.ca, which is overall a hair extension and wigs brand that provides various fine quality hairpieces. CanadaHair.ca is an online hair retailer brand that has been known for its satisfying customer service, quality wigs and extensions, and fast deliveries. They offer a wide range of both human hair and synthetic hair at extremely reasonable prices and convincing quality. It is also the same company as USA Hair, which means this one company supplies the same products to USA residents on US Hair. As I have already reviewed a few products from USA Hair (for the record, same company as Canada Hair) and have been relatively satisfied by them all, I now know that the products that USA residents get are just as good. I will not be going into further detail about Canada Hair or USA Hair because I have already said a lot about them in my previous reviews that you can check out on my main page. All I will say about them in this review is that both websites have excellent quality hair extensions and wigs, and my experience with them has always been positive. I have always been satisfied with their customer service and delivery services as well. This is why I keep reviewing different products from their websites and always end up pleased with the results.
I will give a brief review of my experience with Quality Hair website. The website itself was pretty simple and straightforward. When I first visited the website, all I could see was the ‘where to buy’ button, which later directed me to a list that stated all the brands and companies I could buy the wigs and extensions. The long list mentioned CanadaHair.ca and USAHair.com, which meant that this website provided products from these websites. So I instantly chose USAhair.com and searched for the right wig that suited my requirements and needs. Then I finally found Isabella and decided to confirm the order. The process was quite simple and easy to follow, which saved most of my time. I did not have to go through any hassle or complicated procedure to get myself this wig. So yes, I must say I was delighted by the website experience and the purchasing procedure.
Prices and Delivery:
Now is time to discuss the second most crucial part of the purchase, the prices, and the delivery. I have mentioned this before, I ordered the wig, Isabella, from Quality Hair wigs, and it was made out of 100% human hair. The fact that QualityHair made it out of 100% pure and authentic human hair made it a little pricey. I must say, that is entirely fair considering the quality and material. I got this remy-quality human hair wig, Isabella, for 547 Canadian dollars when I initially ordered it. This may sound very expensive to some people, but if you keep the hair quality and the fact that it is made out of human hair in consideration, 547 Canadian dollars will sound fair enough. As I mentioned before in this review blog and most of my previous reviews, I am not a wig lover or generally a wig wearer, so spending this amount of money would be unfair if I did not use the wig after the review. So it was only sensible that I gave it to the friend I was talking about earlier, as a gift. I decided to deal with the wig with utter care and get the information I wanted for the reviews, so I could later give it to my friend as her birthday gift.
As for the delivery, I received my order for the human hair wig in a couple of days. I was delighted with the quick delivery and the hassle-free procedure. I don’t have any negative comments about my shopping experience on the website or o the delivery time. Everything went smoothly; I did not have to contact customer service for any help. I finally got my Isabella human hair wig by QualityHair just how I expected to. I also don’t have anything unique or mind-blowing to add as it was all super simple, like most orders.
Appearance and Quality:
Let’s talk about the appearance and the overall quality of the human hair wig, Isabella by QualityHair. When I first received the package, I could tell that this was a high-quality wig because of the weight of the wig packaging. When I took it out, I saw that the human hair wig was brunette with highlights. The brown base color of the wig was a level 5 and was dark enough to make the highlights pop, in a good way. As for the highlights, the balayage was done with accuracy and precision. The color was honestly very impressive and I loved how the highlights looked so natural on the dark base hair. The darker roots and the naturally flowy vertical highlights made the human hair wig look like real human hair. All in all, the appearance of the human hair wig was very satisfying and I loved the color execution as well. The fact that this wig is not custom made, makes it more affordable and you can get it delivered faster than the custom made ones. They are already made and stored so you just have to buy it and it can be delivered to you in a couple of days. Other than that, the last thing that I would like to mention about the appearance and features of thus human hair wig by QualityHair would be that it had 2 adjustable elastic bands on the back and the sides of the wigs. They were handy enough to fix the wig in place and adjust the fitness according to my liking. This also helped keep the wig in place instead of it moving around and ruining the look.
Other than that, the best thing that I liked about the wig Isabella was the baby hair that came with the wig. Most human hair wigs don’t have this kind of detail that makes the wig look like your natural hair line. But the Isabella wig by QualityHair had those tiny little details that made the wig look real and natural. For instance, the pre-plugged baby hair on the front of the wig made it look like natural human hair. This realistic touch was enough for me to love the wig even more. The fact that the makers paid so much attention to making it look real impressed me more. It was not just a straight hairline that makes it look like you are wearing a wig, instead, the small, ruffled hairline gave it a very realistic look. Another amazing point about this human hair wig was that the lace front and back was clear enough to be worn with the hair up in a ponytail or bun. The baby hair that covered the lace on the nape of the neck and the hairline made it look like the lace was not even there. So if you want to put the wig up in a ponytail or a bun, then this wig is the ideal option for you.
The overall appearance of the wig was pretty shiny and healthy but I felt like there was a thin layer of gel or hairspray over the hair of the human hair wig that helped keep the waves intact. Not only that, but that hair gel or hairspray also gave the wig a shiny and well-styled look. But I am sure that if you wash the wig a couple of times or if you style and wig the wig for a long time, the gel or hairspray will come off. This sounds like a drawback to some of you but it will only make the human hair wig look and feel more natural. In addition to that, the wig had a side part which gave it a very casual and simple look, nothing too fancy or too formal. If you want to change the part to a middle part or anything else, you can always wet the hair and then change the direction of the hair. Just like you do with your real hair, change the direction of the part or create a different part by brushing it just the way you want. You can dry it with a blow dryer, by a towel or just with a brush. You will get your desired part without any hassle. All in all, the quality of Isabella human hair wig by QualityHair was very satisfying, the hair was soft and smooth just like real, natural human hair. I was very happy with the silky, natural feeling quality and appearance of the wig so much that I wanted to keep it to myself. But like I have mentioned before, I am not a wig lover or a wig wearer at all, so I will be giving this to my dear friend that I previously talked about.
Heat Resistance and Care:
One of the things that make people not choose wigs is the fact that they might not be heat resistant. They lose their texture and shine when they use the heating or styling tools on the wig’s hair, which results in them losing their money’s value. But this is not the case for Isabella’s human hair wig by QualityHair. Isabella is made out of 100% natural human Remy hair, which makes it heat-friendly. You can curl it, straighten it, whatever you like, without worrying about destroying the hair’s quality. As it is made out of natural human hair, it holds the curls for a reasonable amount of time and loosens only if you brush them and let them hang for a long time. But there one thing that you must pay extra attention to is that this is still made out of human hair. It would be best if you always took care of it like you take care of your actual hair. Try and use a heat protectant to save it from any extra damage, wash it gently and use low heat when straightening or curling. Treat them like a baby with gentle hands and extreme care, just like you would with your real hair. Don’t wash it with harsh shampoos or conditioners, and make sure you don’t use harmful products to make it look shiny or healthy because that will only make it lose its strength and beauty within a few tries. The shedding rate of this human hair wig is normal, which means that if you brush it repeatedly, the wig’s hair won’t shed and will stay healthy for an extended period.
The wig’s hair density was 130%, which means that it’s wasn’t too thick or too thin, perfect for daily wear. The perfect texture and thickness of the hair made it easy to handle when I wore it on my head, and I am sure it would be easy to wash as well for anyone who uses it multiple times. If you are someone who wears a wig every day, then I must recommend that you wash it once or twice a month to keep the hair clean and dirt-free. Just use gentle and chemical-free shampoos to keep the hair healthy and thick, safe from any damage. I would not go into detail about how to wash the hair or what products to use as you can easily find useful guides and videos on how to do that on CanadaHair.ca. Not only that, but you can also find multiple guides and video tutorials regarding the process of installing their human hair wigs. I went through some of the videos, and I must say all of them were pretty simple and straightforward. The instructions were clear and easy enough for everyone to follow without getting confused. If you have any further questions about the care and handling of Isabella’s human hair wig by QualityHair, visit the website and get all of your queries answered without a hassle.
Front Lace:
Other than that, I noticed that the human hair wig was a front lace wig. It had a delicate, thin lace on both the front and back to wear it properly. The lace on the front was a plus point because it always helps the wearer set and fixes the wig in place. You can always put the lace over your hairline and start securing your wig from that point onwards. The invisible hairline prevents the wig from looking fake and makes it look like your real hair when blended in correctly. Wig wearers always prefer front lace wigs because they are more comfortable to wear and set, and they also save a lot of time. Not only that, but they are also easy to style, and once they are fixed, you can style your hair with styling tools, products, etc.
It is essential to know the measurement of the wigs that you order so that you know if they will fit your head or not. You need to know the length of the hair, back or front hairline, the temple to temple point, or the circumference to match it to your head’s measurements. It is better to get the right size because it can get pretty hard to alter the wig’s size and fix it on your head without it slipping off, or worse, not being able to fit. Now I will tell you all about the measurement of the standard size Isabella human hair wig that I got. I’ll start with the wig’s circumference, which was 22", big enough for a medium-sized head to fit into it. It fitted nicely on my head when I wore it, and I did not have to do much to fix it in place. Now on to the inner part, the back to the front part that you fix on your hair, from hairline to the top of the neck, is approximately 15", just the right size for me. Please measure your head first and look for something similar so that you won’t have to face any size issues later on. The side to side forehead measurement was over 15" as well. It sounds like it’s a little wide, but it fits well when you put it over your head. As for the side-to-side over top ear-to-ear measurements, it was approx. 12.75", which is wide enough to fit on the head; it also prevents the fabric from tearing over the head and bunching up together, which makes the wig look unreal. The temple to temple across the back was 16,” and the measurement of the nape of the neck was 5". I also measured the wig from the crown to the tip of the hair, and the measurements came out to be 18". The website described the same measurements on the website. These measurements were provided on the website when I was ordering the product, but when I got the wig and measured it independently, I could happily say that the measurements were just right.
As I mentioned before, this was not a custom wig; it was just a standard-sized human hair wig by QualityHair. Make sure to measure your head and note down all the measurements before you buy a wig online. Match your measurements with the ones on the website, and then choose the most similar measurements. This will help you get a perfect size and prevent any size mishaps. One thing that I want to make clear for everyone is that this is not a custom wig. I talked about getting a custom wig for my friend, but that was a while ago, and this is nowhere related to that event. The Isabella human hair wig was a standard-sized wig that I got from QualityHair.
Box Contents and Other Features:
When I first opened the package, the first thing that I noticed other than the wig packaging was the nylon wig cap in the box. It was well packed, and there was no noticeable damage to the packaging or the wig cap. The wig cap is meant to be worn over your head with your hair neatly tied inside for those who don’t know. It helps your real hair stay in place. Not only that, but the wig cap comes in handy when you have to fix the wig in place. The slippery texture of your hair tends to make the wig slip off, but the non-slippery wig caps help the wig stay in place at all times. So if you want to fix your wig on your head correctly, wear a nice, soft wig cap over your head and under your wig. You can wear a wig cap no matter your hair’s length; you can tie up your hair and secure it under the wig cap. The wig’s textured surface helps get a better grip and keep everything in place and make it look natural, just like human hair.
Here are some of the tips that I can give you all from my experience with this human hair wig by QualityHair:
If you have hair on your head, you shouldn’t need anything more than the nylon wig cap that comes with the human hair wig. You can secure it over your head with the three combs attached to it. Don’t forget to adjust the elastic band on the back to fit it around the head perfectly.
If you do not have hair on your head, remind yourself to use skin-safe glue or hair tape on your head so you can stick your human hair wig over it properly. Use a fair amount, so the wig does not move around when you are out having fun.
Other than that, ensure that you don’t get any glue or hair tape over your real hair or the human hair wig because that will result in your hair getting sticky or getting stuck together into clumps. Even if you do, wash the wig thoroughly and brush it while it’s wet to get rid of any glue or stickiness on the hair.
Do a patch test on your skin before you put the entire wig on to see if you are allergic to the glue, hair tape, or the wig itself? Never risk your skin’s health for anything at all, and check instructions and guides before you try the wig on.
Last but not least, clean your hairline, your scalp, or your nape of your neck or the area behind the ear with rubbing alcohol or with clean wipes to get rid of the residual oil before putting on the tape or glue. This will ensure the proper stickiness and prevent the glue or tape from coming off.
In the end, I would like to mention how I gave my friend the wig as a birthday gift, and she truly loved it. She loved the quality, and it fit her head like a glove. It means that deciding on buying this human hair wig was worth the money and time. She mentioned that the hair’s texture gets a little wavy when you wash it, though, but it does not take much time to straighten it back to her required state. Other than that, I was very much satisfied by the quality of the hair and everything related to it. My experience with Isabella, the human hair wig by Quality Hair, was absolutely terrific. I loved the simple haircut of the wig, and I liked how durable everything else was. The color, thickness, other features, highlights, heat resistance, box contents, and the website experience did not disappoint me. It also looked extremely natural, just like real human hair, which made it an even better choice for my friend. I highly recommend buying this wig and visiting Quality Hair to check out more of their endless options. I did not try the other wigs from Quality Hair because they are made from the same material, which means they all must be just as impressive.
Thank you all for reading my review about Isabella, the human hair wig by Quality Hair; I hope my experience and details helped you understand if this brand and wig are the right options for you to choose. If you have any other suggestions on what to review next, comment below and let me know. For further queries or questions, contact me, and help you will all of the information that I have. Until next time, stay safe and happy shopping!